Enchanting Hydrangeas: A Season Unfolds
Amidst the verdant landscape of Greenwood Gardens, hydrangeas stand as one of the crowning jewels this season, gracing the landscape with their spectacular displays of color and lush blooms. The fortuitous combination of a rainy autumn and a mild winter has cultivated perfect conditions for these deciduous shrubs, treasured by gardeners worldwide, to thrive not only at Greenwood but along the entire Mid-Atlantic coast.
While hydrangeas are believed to have originated in Japan, ancient fossils reveal their presence in North America and western Canada, dating back 40 to 65 million years. These enchanting plants made their North American debut in the early 18th century, likely arriving via the port of Boston. It is said that in 1792, George Washington himself planted a native hydrangea on the bowling green at Mount Vernon.
If you have yet to visit Greenwood, there is still time to immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring blooms that captivate all who behold them. The timeless beauty and storied history of hydrangeas render them a mesmerizing presence in any garden. We invite you to savor the splendor of these magnificent plants before the season gracefully draws to a close.
Image at top of page: Hydrangea macrophylla Everlasting® ‘Revolution’
Images below: Hydrangea paniculata Little Quick Fire® and Hydrangea macrophylla Let’s Dance® Rhythmic Blue®